Diamantene Tennisarmbänder: Funkelnde Eleganz f...
Der Yorxs Unterschied: Die besondere Auswahl der Diamanten, die Verarbeitung in den eigenen Münchner Werkstätten macht den gewissen Unterschied. Dahinter steht immer mindestens ein Mitarbeiter, der sich mit seiner Arbeit...
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Diamanten vs. Gold: Welche Wertanlage ist die b...
Diamanten und Gold gelten als begehrte Wertanlagen, die seit Jahrhunderten ihre Attraktivität bewahrt haben. Doch welche Anlageform bietet die besseren Renditechancen und ein stabileres Wertversprechen? Lassen Sie uns die Vor-...
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Impurities and inclusions in diamonds
The purity of diamonds in detail: Everything about impurities and inclusions. When it comes to the clarity of a diamond, a distinction is made between inclusions and blemishes. Inclusions are...
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Diamonds with laser engraving - this is what yo...
We will answer all your questions about diamonds and laser engraving. 1. Does each diamond have a laser engraving with a certificate number? 90% of GIA (Gemmological Institute of America)...
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Orange diamonds, from creation to sale
Orange diamonds, from creation to sale A pure orange is probably the rarest form of colored diamonds. Red and green have long been considered a rarity among diamond colors, but...
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Yellow Diamonds – History, Locations, Famous St...
Yellow Diamonds – History, Locations, Famous Stones & Where to Buy Whether as the main stone of a ring or in a necklace - the yellow diamond always looks good....
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Rare cut shapes for diamonds
Rare cut shapes for diamonds What shapes are there for diamonds besides the classic cuts? In addition to the large and popular diamond classics, especially the brilliant, there are a...
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The old cut diamond - forerunner of the brillia...
What are old cut diamonds? Old cuts are initially understood to mean all cuts that were popular before the 20th century. This includes all predecessors of the modern brilliant, i.e....
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Brown Diamonds, from History to Sales
Brown, champagne and cognac colored diamonds Brown is the most common color in colored diamonds. A look back at history shows that light and luminous stones were preferred. For this...
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Gray Diamonds, from history to sales
Gray color diamonds Pure gray diamonds are rare. Their importance and value have only recently increased in the market. For example, in November 2011, a 10.67 carat carat estimated at...
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Purple diamonds, from the creation of the color...
Purple color diamonds Natural, pure purple diamonds (without overtones) are extremely rare and typically less than two carats in weight. They are true treasures for collectors and are only used...
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Red diamonds, where to find them & offers
Red color diamonds Red diamonds are among the rarest fancy colored diamonds in the world. In fact, before these colored diamonds were discovered in the Argyle Mine, they were considered...
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Pink diamonds
Pink color diamonds Pink diamonds are among the rarer fancy colored diamonds. They are particularly popular and the combination of high demand and limited supply means that they are usually...
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Blue diamonds
Blue color diamonds Blue diamonds, especially with rich blue tones, are very rare and valuable. The color blue represents wisdom and prestige. It is often associated with the adjective “royal”....
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Green diamonds
Green color diamonds Pure, natural green color diamonds are extremely rare. They are “treasures of nature” in the truest sense. The strong green color has many positive values and symbolizes...
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Black diamonds
Black color diamonds Black diamonds are neither translucent nor do they sparkle strongly. For this reason, they were rarely used for jewelry in the past. In the 90s, black diamonds...
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Chameleon diamonds
Chameleon color diamonds Chameleon diamonds change color depending on their surroundings. The diamonds change color either when there are significant changes in temperature or when they have been stored in...
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The diamond as a source of healing power
Healing power is also one of the many properties of diamonds The diamond is certainly one of nature's greatest wonders: it is created when it is transformed from a very...
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8 advantages of Yorxs compared to the tradition...
We'll show you why it's worth buying diamond jewelry & diamonds online. Below we would like to list the advantages that we have over other jewelers as an online jeweler...
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Antragsring und Verlobungsring: Gibt es Untersc...
Antragsring und Verlobungsring: Gibt es Unterschiede und Tipps zum Kauf Welche Unterschiede gibt es zwischen einem Antragsring und einem Verlobungsring? Und was sollte man beim Kauf beachten?
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Verlobungsring – An welcher Hand trägt man ihn ...
Die Frage „Verlobungsring, welche Hand?“ ist ein wichtiges Thema für viele Paare, die sich verloben möchten. In Deutschland gibt es klare Traditionen und kulturelle Unterschiede, die es zu beachten gilt....
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Rings with prong settings - how many prongs are...
Rings with prong settings - how many prongs are ideal? We will explain to you how many prongs you should choose. A diamond ring with 4 prongs or 6 prongs?...
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How is jewelry made? Part 2
From setting to fine polishing: this is how diamond jewelry is made. If you have already read our first part on how to make jewelry, then you are already good......
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How is jewelry made? Part 1
From design to casting: This is how diamond jewelry is made. Beautifully sparkling, finely crafted down to the smallest detail. Diamonds that, when set in the precious metal, are still...
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The perfect engagement ring - 11 tips
How to buy the perfect engagement ring With our 11 tips for buying an engagement ring, you can make a perfect landing. Once you have decided to buy an engagement...
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Diamond investment - an expert answers
We have summarized the most frequently asked questions for you. We often receive questions about diamonds and investing. Here you will find an overview of the classic questions. Our diamond...
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